The Sharing Plant Wisdom podcast is an educational platform where Sophie and Marie (Naturopathic Herbalists) share their knowledge of naturopathic and herbal medicine in order to empower you to make the best decisions about your own health. They cover a wide variety of health topics and welcome your comments and questions.

Episode 1: Dealing with Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome - The Naturopathic Way

In the midst of the Covid pandemic, we review what nutritional and supplement strategies can help recovering faster from viral infections. We also talk about useful medicinal herbs as well as lifestyle interventions.


Episode 2: Winterproof your Immune System - The Naturopathic Way

In this second episode, Sophie and Marie give you simple and effective naturopathic keys to make your immune system stronger ahead of winter (and the rest of the year!). We break down nutritional approaches, medicinal herbs, and lifestyle tweaks you can start implementing right now to sail through the cold season.


Episode 3: Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder - The Naturopathic Way

In this new episode Marie and Sophie tackle Seasonal Affective disorder (SAD), which can affect up to 10% of the population. As always we review the biological reasons why people may suffer from winter SAD and talk you through dietary interventions, supplement strategies, medicinal herb support, and other natural ways to help you feel better during the darker season.


Episode 4: Stress Relief with Integrative Psychotherapist Jess Henley

In this episode Sophie and Marie interview integrative psychotherapist and author Jess Henley about her new book "The Little Stress-Relief Workbook" (published by Hodder & Stoughton).
In this interview, we talk about:
- the difference between stress and anxiety
- how to reconnect to your body via the breath
- how to identify the signals your body sends you before your brain registers stress
- how to identify your triggers and nip stress in the bud
- how to become aware and work with different aspects of your personality
- how to improve your sleep when you're feeling overwhelmed


Episode 5: Stress Relief (Part 2) - The Naturopathic Way

This is Part 2 of our Stress Relief series (Part 1 was interview with Jess Henley, released on January 6th).
In this episode, Sophie and Marie explain what stress does to your physiology and why it is important to tackle it before it becomes chronic and damages our health.